Get rid of debt FOR GOOD (in wayyyy less time) 

Busy Mama, you deserve to go on vacation more often without facing a credit card statement once you get back home.

You just need a simple and easy plan to follow.

The Debt Freedom System teaches you how to pay off debt, in less time (without selling everything you own), even if you are living paycheck to paycheck with only one income.

A step-by-step debt payoff system to help you get out of debt quicker, without selling everything you own.

Purchase now for $17

(regular price $47) That's 64% off!


Does the thought of reading your credit card statement make your palms sweat and your heart beat faster?

Would you rather clean your toilets to avoid talking about how much money you have in debt? 

Does hearing the word "debt payment plan" make you want to curl up in a ball and binge watch episodes of cupcake wars? #yummmmsugarrrrr

I know exactly how you feel.

Because I've been there.

And I'm here to tell you that life doesn't have to be that way.

YES you can create lifelong memories with your kids while on vacation, without the stress of worrying about how to pay for it.

YES you can stop paying all your money (in interest) to creditors.

YES you can stop playing the credit card juggling game (which one has the most "room" for this purchase?).

And finally stop worrying about someone finding out how much debt you have!

If you've ever wanted to know which is the best way to pay off your debt the quickest so you don't waste time (and money)... then the next few scrolls are going to make you VERY happy.

If you want to have a clear cut plan to smash your debt in less time... while also not feeling guilty for having fun with your kids so you can say:

"Guess What Kids? We're going to Disney World!"

without stressing out that you'd need to use a credit card...

then keep on reading!

Let me show you how to get outta debt and stay out, so you can say "YES!" to making fun memories (that cost money) with your kids without borrowing money to make it happen. 

FACT: You CAN pay off debt and go on vacation with your family to celebrate even if you homeschool and live on one income.

(It sounds like a crazy big promise, I know.) 

But I am living proof. And I can help you do it too.

Stephanie paid off $24,881 of debt in 2 months

"I just had to share my great news with you. Pre-Kati we had $40,135 debt. Following your program [in just under two months] here’s the good news: Total Debt (now) $15,254

So THANKS to YOU and your program. I couldn’t be prouder of myself knowing that if it wasn’t for you I would have followed my pay minimum monthly and run from there to now having a system and a goal in mind. THANK YOU!!!"

~Stephanie H.
Debt Freedom System Customer 


A step-by-step debt payoff system to help you plan how to get out of debt quicker, without selling everything you own.

An exclusive debt elimination system that helps busy moms develop a solid (and easy) payoff strategy to help you get rid of debt in record time worth $47... 


(regular price $47) That's 64% off!


Heike finally has a solid plan to get out of debt faster.  

"Easy to understand; relatable! Has an excellent spreadsheet!"

~Heiki H. Debt Freedom System Customer 

Paying Off Debt Does NOT Have To Be Stressful & Restrictive

I have been in and outta debt TOO many times to count and dug outta tens of thousands of dollars of debt so that now we take our kids to Disney World every month. #annualpassperks

What if there was a simple way to figure out what bill (debt) to pay first so that you'd get them ALL paid off quicker so you can finally start living and go on vacation more often? 

Would you finally take the leap from a sleep deprived and overstressed mama to becoming a debt payoff machine who gets to say yes every time your kids ask you for something?

Now, wait... before you click away and say "Oh, she's craaaaazy..." Please hear me out.

I have developed a system that takes away...

The need to manually calculate all your debt. The problem of knowing which debt to pay off first. The struggle to get your bills paid each month and make extra payments.  

It literally and truly teaches you how to pay off ALL your debt (including your mortgage) in WAY less time, without having to sell every single thing in your house.

Get ready to be EXCITED to plan your next vacation without worrying about facing the credit card bills once you get back home.

Who I Am And Why You Should Listen To Me

  • I'm not JUST a personal finance coach, I'm also an accountant. Yep, #iloveexcel. I am good at analyzing, tweaking and simplifying. I was a crazy coupon lady for several years and taught thousands of people how to save tons. My students and followers rave about how I'm able to take complex processes and break them down into the simplest form so that it can be easily duplicated.  
  • I'm OBSESSED with simplicity and efficiency because I didn't have time to dedicate to thinking about the debt hole we dug ourselves into (because... kids don't see credit scores!) but I also homeschool my kids and we often go to Disney World (which costs $$).
  • I've helped busy moms save thousands of dollars since 2010. For 6 years I shared my money-saving knowledge on two Fox TV segments every Sunday morning. My unique savings techniques have been featured in The Huffington Post, Yahoo Finance, The Washington Post, Clarke Howard, countless TV stations and I'm currently a weekly guest on a Christian radio show.  
  • Teaching is my passion. We are a homeschool family of 6 and I love teaching. I've taught over 600 live in-person workshops, with approximately 100 people in attendance for each (my largest had over 1,200 in attendance! YIKES.). I can't help but share my excitement when YOU are successful with my same strategies. #successisaddicting  
  • I'm living proof. The strategies you'll learn in this program were the exact ones we used to pay off over $15,000 in debt in 3 years (living on one income).  

This magically simple debt elimination strategy uncomplicates the debt payoff process without overwhelm.

With consistent use, the Debt Freedom System will pave the way to achieving larger financial goals such as going on regular vacations (or buying a NEW car outright with cash).

It's like an immediate mental detox of all the debt reduction programs you've purchased in the past that didn't work.

How would your mommy life be different if you could:

  • CONFIDENTLY plan your vacation for this summer without worrying about receiving the credit card statement in the mailbox... because you have back up savings ready to pay for it.  
  • Know EXACTLY what to do in order to pay off your debt in the quickest way possible.  
  • EASILY continue this process month after month because once you create the plan all you have to do is follow it (no thinking... just doing).  
  • Stop wasting your precious time setting up a budget in hopes that this time you'll stick with it and actually KNOW what to do step-by-step.  
  • No more hoping and praying that you'll be able to afford sending your kids to that pricey summer camp because you finally have a simple but powerful payoff system that will allow you to see the impact of your extra payments. (Without having to do ANY calculations!)  
  • You may have been struggling with paying off your debt and you may be feeling lost when it comes to having a strategy that actually works... until now.


You really want the best for your family. You want them to have everything they need, plus the desires of their hearts... but the extra cash just isn't there to give them every single thing they need.

Maybe you have a side hustle that you're trying to market when you hang out with your mommy friends. Trying to look like you aren't promoting yourself, or you don't need them to buy... even though that's exactly why you're there, and what you're doing. (It's okay, I've done it too!)

Or maybe you feel like you just need someone to look at your finances and tell you what to do... because all you see is "numbers" and your eyes cross.

You already have anxiety coming on, knowing that next month you have no plan to reach your goals AGAIN. The interest is just piling up without end.

You don't have any more time OR money to waste on attempting to duct tape together piece of strategies you hear the "experts" talk about that probably only work for families who have two incomes and can be found for free on Pinterest anyway.


Unlike the other "experts" who only show you one small piece of what works to be successful at paying off debt, I'm giving you my EXACT automatic calculating spreadsheets so you can see (at a glance) what is going on and what debt to pay off first, second and last.

You deserve to have a successful financial life with less stress and an actual lifestyle that includes living.

Never again question how to stay out of debt in the future.  

  • A busy mom who has littles at home and would rather go a week without coffee (GASP!!) than think about calculating how to pay off debt.  
  • Living on one income so you don't have "extra" to put towards debt.  
  • Wanting to go on vacation without facing the credit card statement arriving a month after you get home.  


  • My EXACT formula to calculate the fastest way to pay off debt (done for you automatically using just 3 numbers) so that you'll know exactly when you're gonna be out of debt.  
  • An easy way to create a pay off plan you can live with so that you can go on vacation even when you're paying off debt.  
  • A plan that allows you to never feel deprived or desperate for income so that you'll be able to have fun with your kids, without using a credit card and not knowing how to pay for it later.  
  • A way to incentivize your debt payment plan so that you actually have more breathing room each month.  
  • Editable electronic spreadsheets accessible from your phone or computer (any device) so you can see what's impact an extra payment will make on your debt this month (or after you get that Tax Refund). 

This is the most comprehensive, yet simple, debt payoff system.

(regular price $47) That's 64% off!



The Debt Freedom System utilizes my exclusive 4P Debt Elimination Method to accelerate your debt payoff time. 

1. THE PLOY - Oh I'm sure you’ve seen "the ploy" before… when creditors “catch you” and entice you and you fall for their scheme.  

You know the one where they entice you with what sounds like a wonderful, interest free opportunity to buy something you need at a price you can afford… BUT THEY ARE HOPING YOU FAIL! 

You need to know how to spot them from a mile away, and then how to NOT fall for them.

2. THE PLOT - When you get SO SICK of spending money on debt payments and you know there HAS to be a way to calculate what you make with what you are paying and determine a faster way to pay off debt.

I came up with a new way to do it that I call the Debt Elimination Calculator that takes into consideration how much your payment is monthly. Because you want to FREE up money each month and then determine which debt to pay of first, next and last (using just 3 numbers it not only automatically calculates the Snowball AND Avalanche methods (for comparison) but also my Debt Elimination method that tells you when you’ll be out of debt AND what impact an extra payment will have on CUTTING THE TIME off being in debt.

3. THE PLAN - Okay this is where it gets fun… because THIS is what you’re going to actually DO to get out of debt. First you need to figure out how much money you have to put towards your debt and then how to make more to pay it all off quicker.

Because I fully believe in goal driven success you’ll learn 5 ways you can motivate yourself to accomplish small goals that accelerate your debt freedom success so that you get out of debt SOONER! Because that’s the goal right?!!

4. THE PAYOFF - This is the part of the method that keeps you from getting into debt again. The part that makes it STICK.  

If you’re anything like me, I could get carried away with feelings of defeat when we were working to get out of debt. And I found that there was a mindset shift that had to happen for me to STAY OUT of debt. Learn my exact process to stay motivated and make it happen.  

This is the most comprehensive, yet simple, debt payoff system.

Immediately after purchasing, you'll receive an email with a private link to download and begin the system. You know what that means? You could be starting this in just 5 minutes from now.  

(regular price $47) That's 64% off!


The Debt Freedom System comes with a GOLDEN RULE guarantee.
If you are not satisfied, for any reason, please reach out within 30 days and we'll issue a refund. I have faith you won't even need it, but it's here if you're not happy with your purchase.


Is everything in a PDF format? Do I need to have Excel in order to use this program? How exactly does it work?

The ebook/guide with the explanation of my system and the instructions are in a PDF format.  

You will need a (free) gmail email address to be able to copy the digital file so you can add it to your own "Google Drive" (which is also free).  

In other words, you will not need to buy any other computer programs to access (and use) this system. And the file takes up such little space you won't get charged to store it via Google (so there are no recurring charges).

If I buy the program today will I get any future updates?

Yep! And believe it or not... you'll get future updates forever!  

Products always improve with time and that means the price goes up. 

When you buy it now, you get it for a steal AND you'll get the newest version of the product later: Happy Dance Time! 

Is this a one time fee or are there any additional recurring fees? 

I know that this program sounds so good that it can't possibly only cost $29 one time... But it IS true. 

There are no recurring charges and you will only be charged $29 once.

When do I get access to the files? 

You will be able to download the file immediately after you checkout and everything will also be emailed to you as a backup record. 

What if I decide this isn't for me?

I actually want you to try the Debt Freedom System at my risk. 

Because I know it works but you don't... yet!

If you aren't 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, I want you to return it. I mean it, I don't want your money.

I value our relationship and my reputation more than 29 bucks. So please, try the Debt Freedom System for 90 days (even though you will get access to everything instantly, I am giving you 90 days to be completely sure and utterly satisfied).

So go ahead, buy now - you have plenty of time to go through everything and decide if this is the right fit for you. You'll never know unless you take a chance and invest in yourself. 

Why is this so cheap? Is it junk on a stick? 

I know, other debt programs are priced well over $100. My ultra deceptive plan is for you to dig in, gain some hope in your situation, and see that you can LIVE while you're paying off debt, so that you come back to buy some of my other products that'll help you with other areas of your finances. 🙌

You need less debt in order for your family to flourish and thrive. DON'T LOSE SLEEP WITHOUT HAVING A SOLID PLAN FOR ONE MORE DAY.

(regular price $47) That's 64% off!
